
Alison Relax Kids

Community Classes

Queen of Relax! Alison Core is patient, caring, fun & has the teacher voice which sometimes is needed? Relax Kids was the first proper group I had taken my 2 year old son too and I’m so glad I did! Alison you gave me focus to get through my day as well as Shay coming home and talking about you to his nannys and grandads, I know Shay thinks a lot of you and so do I. I will always use the breathing exercises you taught us & cherish our photographs of a precious chapter in our lives??

Little Stars Pre-School

I would like to tell you Alison how much I enjoy bringing my Great Granddaughter to your group Relax Kids. You are so friendly and welcoming. The little ones have such great fun as do the Moms and Grans. There is never a dull moment but at the same time you make it a very calming and relaxing place for the children to be.You have made a real effort during the pandemic to keep in touch through Zoom and meetings in the local playing fields having picnics and play. (social distancing of course) You are a wonderful teacher Alison and I know the little ones love coming to your group and it is very good for them. Keep up the good work my dear xxx

Little Stars Pre-School

Alison is kind. She is very friendly and she is very fun to be around. The sessions have helped me to calm down when I am feeling energetic. They make me happy, they make me sleepy and I look forward to them. I have been able to use things that Alison has taught me in lots of different ways.  X

Oscar Aged 8

My 2 girls love Relax Kids. They love being able to express themselves and especially love learning the massage techniques. Alison is great with them and they really like her. She is fun and patient even when they are getting a bit hyper and excited. I would recommend this class to anyone who has children. I definitely think it helps them with their self esteem and confidence.

Community Class Mum

Alison Relax Kids

Adult Classes

When I started this group I wanted time for me and time to learn how to relax and some different strategies I could use. Not only have I got these but I have made lovely friends too! We have such a giggle and I look forward to our sessions. The virtual sessions over lockdown have also meant that we could still have the giggle, share our thoughts but most importantly relax throughout a really stressful time. X


I joined a few of Alison’s Adult Relax Zoom sessions during the lockdown period when I was at a very low point in my life.  They ALWAYS cheered me up.  I didn’t know any of the other participants on these sessions, but Alison always made me feel welcome, involved and relaxed.  Well worth it!!!

Anon Adult

After my son had Relax Kids sessions at school with Alison and said how much he enjoyed them, I jumped at the chance to go along to an adult session with Alison (didn’t want all the kids having all the fun!) ? Our monthly sessions are a chance to have time-out away from the everyday stresses. As well as a chance to spend the evening in adult company, we have quizzes / activities to unwind, ways to de-stress and finish with a relaxation session – and there is always a natter over a cuppa and a slice of cake


So informative! Most of all you made us have fun and laughter xx

It was such a mix! Great fun and laughter to begin, followed by useful info, then a calming yoga session. Brilliant, I loved it! X

Feedback from a WI group session

Alison Relax Kids

School Classes

Children have been known to fall asleep in the ‘relax’ sessions as these clearly do enable children to completely switch off. Teachers have commented that children come back from the sessions with a much ‘better head for learning’.

Windy Arbor School

As a school, I can’t imagine us not having ‘Relax Kids’ as part of our curriculum.  We need it and the children need it and it feels good to know that we are providing something that the children have always needed, but that in these times of Covid is more essential than ever.

Windy Arbor School

Alison has also run sessions for teachers after school.  Those of us who attended them found them a really positive way to unwind and leave the stress of school behind us.  Several teachers commented that they slept better at night following the Relax sessions after school on Tuesdays.

Teacher Workshops

Before I came to this school and had you, I couldn’t sleep. Now I do the breathing and I can go to sleep

School Child

X has a processing need and is very passive. In a parent review with his teacher, his mum told her that he goes home and tell her all the things he’s done in Relax Kids and shows her. It’s really helped him.


In a car park- my grandma has been really worried about my grandpa as he’s in hospital. I taught her finger breathing and bought her a breathing ball- it’s helped her.

Year 6 child


class or workshop